
Photo by Anna Androsova

Selected Puppet Creations:

Cardboard Monsters for the Portland Mardi Gras Parade and PDX Monsters, 2024

Constructed from wastestream materials including cardboard boxes and grocery bags. Painted with spray and acrylic paint, and illuminated by black-light. Performed by Moni & Rick.

Photo by Anna Androsova

Old Bone Mother,
for the Portland All Souls River Procession, 2023

Giant skeletal puppet made from paper mache (recycled grocery bags), recycled cardboard, paper pulp, PVC pipe, metal conduit, insulation foam and fabric. Painted with acrylic paint and latex house paint. Crown from beach-combed driftwood, wire, and animal bones. Performed by Moni, Ben, Moebius & Ian.

Giant bear puppet, 2019

Paper mache (recycled grocery bags) and recycled cardboard. Painted with natural mineral pigments.